Picture of julia harriet

julia harriet

No More

4 years ago, I was just beginning my journey as an advocate for love, healing, and community safety. The “No More” campaign is a great example of how we can stand up against ignorance and violence. At one point, these posters were all over the bathroom walls of restaurants and bars in my small town as a powerful reminder that domestic and sexual violence is NEVER the victims fault. Period.

Days after I was drugged and sexually assaulted, I went back to the bar where I was dosed to try to find answers. The manager, who knew me and my children, said to my face that “this doesn’t happen to women who aren’t asking for it. You must have wanted it or it wouldn’t have happened to you.” Mic drop. Excuse me? That is pure BS yet this happens all the time. The shame and blame unjustly loaded on victims of violence is unacceptable and straight up disgusting.

As I sit here in the center of my hometown with an overflowing box of books to share, I am reminded of the reason why I wrote my story and brought it powerfully into the world: to shed light on the darkness. To stand next to victims of violence in the moments when they are alone or threatened by further acts of ignorance. To be the love I wish to see in the world. I am so grateful for each one of you who generously supports me, who shares my story within your community, and who purchases my book in the name of love and healing. You are amazing. 100%

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